Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How To Make A Burp Cloth

Today I want to share with you how to make your own burp cloth. These are always practical and make great gifts. I am going to share with you how I make them. This is not the only way to make them of course. This is just what I have found to work for me.

STEP 1: You need to pick out your favorite print fabric, a backing fabric, and a terrycloth fabric. I use flannel as my backing but I have seen minky used as well. These are soft and absorbent fabrics that will catch all that you need it to.

STEP 2: Measure and cut all three pieces of fabric the same size. The size is your preference but I cut mine 18 inches by 12 inches. For example, I cut the print/front fabric, the terrycloth and the flannel backing fabric all 18 by 12 inches.

STEP 3: Then with right sides of the front and back together match all the corners. Then place the inside terrycloth on top and pin all corners together and then pin the sides together. This will hold the fabric together when sewing. You will have three fabric layers. A front, middle and back.

STEP 4: Now it's time to sew. I give myself a 1/4 inch allowance all the way around but you can give yourself 1/2.  I start on one side about half way down and sew with a straight stitch all the way around. When I get to the corners I don't lift my needle only the pressure foot to turn the fabric. Stop when you get about 1.5 inches from where you started.

STEP 5: Trim the excess fabric all the way around if you have any. Especially around the corners. Now at the opening turn the burp cloth right side out. Use a pencil (eraser end) to push out your corners.

STEP 6: Once you have all the corners nice and pointed and all the sides striaght you have two choices.
               1. Hand sew the opening closed.
               2. Fold the opening in and iron down then machine sew the
                   edge all the way around the burp        
                   cloth. This option holds up better in my opinion.

STEP 7: Iron and you are done!

This is so easy to make and a lot of fun! One thing you can do to add a little pizzazz is personalize it with a name. I hope you have fun making your own burp cloth and let me know how it goes. Leave a comment! I would love to hear! If you have any questions just let me know!!    

~ Katy


FWAtty said...

Hey I recognize that "Jocelyn" burp cloth!!!! Loved it!

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