Friday, February 18, 2011


Okay Everyone...Friday is here again!!!

I love FABULOUS FRIEND FRIDAYS because I get to share with you about some really AWESOME people!!! Today's friend is no different! She has started a blog that will knock your socks off!

I know everyone has heard of The Pioneer Woman...Well today's friend hosts...

This awesome lady is...

Nicole Arbuckle
She and her family live in Arkansas. Her husband is on staff at a local church in their town.

Nicole writes about life as a woman with many roles and demands. She writes on topics dealing with children, marriage, self issues, household management, and a lot more!

The title of her blog is so perfect because a lot of times we do try to fit "the mold" and we become overwhelmed at the unrealistic expectations we set for ourselves. Juggling all the many roles that we carry as women can be a huge challenge and Nicole has created her blog to encourage women. Her blog is going to be a GREAT sounding board for women to share with each other and discuss how life has overwhelmed them, allowing them to gain encouragement from others facing the same struggles! What a JOYFUL thought...women encouraging women for the glory of God!!! Thank you Nicole for opening up the door for such an event!
Here is a quote from Nicole's blog...

"I sometimes find myself relieved when a “perfect” (someone I view as perfect) woman does not have everything together. In reality, we are all a mess and overwhelmed.
I wanted to start this blog as a chronicle and encouragement to other women who, like me, are OVERWHELMED.
I’ve had a family blog and transferred some posts that I thought we be relevant.
I hope you will join me on this journey in my “overwhelmed” world."
- Nicole

Okay, Ladies...



~ Katy


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